Homeworks - CSCI 200L, Spring 2012

[BC: fixed 2/2/2012] Each homework assignment is meant to be completed individually by students on their own time. Students will typically be given 2 weeks (give or take) to complete an assignment. Assignments are all submitted digitally via the USC Blackboard System. Submission instructions for each assignment can be found on the individual assignment pages.

All of the homework assignments will require students to prepare a design document. You can find a template for your design documents here.

Homework Assignments
(Please note that access to homework assignments is restricted.)
Homework Assignment Points Due
#1 - Non-GUI Side Scroller Game 30 11:45PM, 2/5/2012
#2 - First GUI Action RPG 30 11:45PM, 3/4/2012 (extended)
#3 - The REAL Action RPG (Extra Credit HW) 15 11:45PM, 4/19/2012
#4 - Animation & Control Panel 30 11:45PM, 3/30/2012
#5 - Agent-based Cafe Simulation 30 11:45PM, 4/27/2012
You can also get up to 5 extra credit HW points if you participate in the USC Joint Education Program. The detail of this will be given out at the beginning of Lecture (TBD)
Homework Assignment Grading
For grading related general policies, please refer to the Homeworks Grading section of the course description web page.
Academic Integrity Policy
Please make sure you read the Academic Integrity Policy of this course.

[Last updated Sat Sep 19 2020]    [Please see copyright regarding copying.]