Labs - CSCI 200L, Spring 2012

There will be 11 laboratory assignments. There is no lab the first week. There is no lab the week of Labor Day and the week of Thanksgiving. There is also no lab the last week of class.

Labs will (almost always) be posted the Friday before the week of the lab. You may work the lab on your own, prior to your lab. The TA will be asking you questions about your code for any work you do on your own. Be prepared to discuss your design and implementation when you come to the lab.

Lab Assignment Grading
For grading related policies, please refer to the Lab Grading section of the course description web page.
Lab Assignments
(Please note that access to lab assignments is restricted.)
Academic Integrity Policy
Please make sure you read the Academic Integrity Policy of this course.

[Last updated Sat Sep 19 2020]    [Please see copyright regarding copying.]