The discussion section is conducted by a TA:
During a discussion section, the TA will present information regrading up-coming programming assignments and to go over labs.
If you have a particular topic that you would like the TA to discuss in class (including stuff like something covered
in lectures that you would like the TA to explain further), you should send e-mail to the TA
before 5PM on Thursday. The TA will try his/her best to cover such requests.
Tentative Material
The following are tentative and final slides (in PDF format) for this semester.
Some source code are hosted on Brandon's CSCI 353 github account.
The source code here can get out of sync with the code there. You might want to check there for the latest code
(and please let the instructor know so they can be sync'ed them up).
- Week 1 -
pa1 (PDF)
- Week 2 -
gdb, sockets programming in C (PDF),
sockets programming in C++ with boost::asio (PDF)
- Sample C++ code using boost::asio
(pa2-sockets) -
although boost is installed on nunki, nunki does not have glog and other google libraries;
therefore, posted boost::asio code can only compile and run on Ubuntu 14.04 or 16.04:
- Week 3
- pa2 discussions, pa3 (PDF)
- Sample C++ code using boost::asio
(pa2-filetransfer) - file transfer from server to client:
- Skeleton code for an echo server in C:
- Week 4
- pa3 discussions, multithreading with pthreads (PPT)
- Week 5
- pa4, multithreading with pthreads (PPT)
- Sample C++ code using boost::asio - multithreading, console: (original code deleted since the improved version was posted on
week 7 below).
- Week 6
- pa4 discussions,
wireshark lab introduction (PDF),
HTTP wireshark lab (PDF),
DNS wireshark lab (PDF)
- Week 7
- pa4,
TCP wireshark lab (PDF)
- Week 8
- pa5 (PDF)
- Week 9
- pa4 retrospective (PDF),
UDP wireshark lab (PDF),
IP wireshark lab (PDF)
- Week 10
- NAT wireshark lab (PDF),
DHCP wireshark lab (PDF)
- Sample C++ code using boost::asio
(pa5-eventthread) - event thread and PA5 skelegon code:
- Week 11
- ICMP wireshark lab (PDF),
traceroute lab (PDF),
multithreading - part 1 (PDF),
- Week 12
- pa6 (PDF)
- Week 13
- ethernet & ARP wireshark lab (PDF),
multithreading - part 2 (PDF)
- Week 14
- 802.11 wireshark lab (PDF),
multithreading - part 3 (PDF)
- Week 15
- review for final exam (PDF)
Trance files for the wireshark labs is available here: wireshark-traces.zip
Note: the multithreading with pthreads PPT file is from the book:
Operating Systems In Depth: Design and Programming by T. W. Doeppner.
Rough Schedule (subject to change without notice)
Week # |
Date |
Topics |
Comments |
1 |
1/12 |
pa1 |
2 |
1/19 |
gdb, sockets programming |
3 |
1/28 |
pa2, pa3 |
(pa1 due at end of day) |
4 |
2/2 |
multithreading with pthreads |
5 |
2/9 |
pa4, multithreading with pthreads |
(pa2 and pa3 due at end of day) |
6 |
2/16 |
wireshark lab - introduction, HTTP, DNS |
7 |
2/23 |
pa5, wireshark lab - TCP, UDP, IP |
8 |
3/2 |
wireshark lab - NAT, ICMP |
(pa4 due at end of day) |
9 |
3/9 |
wireshark lab - ethernet, ARP, DHCP |
(midterm exam this Tuesday) |
- |
3/16 |
(no class) |
spring break |
10 |
3/23 |
pa6, wireshark lab - 802.11, SSL |
11 |
3/30 |
traceroute lab |
(pa5 due at end of day) |
12 |
4/6 |
SMTP lab |
13 |
4/13 |
ICMP pinger lab |
14 |
4/20 |
proxy server lab |
(pa6 due at end of day) |
15 |
4/27 |
review |