Piazza Forum - CSCI 353, Spring 2018

You are required to be a member of the Piazza Forum for this class because all important announcements are sent throught the Piazza Forum! So, please read this web page carefully.
Piazza Forum
We will use a Piazza Forum for class related communications. The Piazza Forum is basically used as a mailing list. (During the first 3 weeks of classes, the instructor will check if there are new students registered for the course and he will add new students to the Piazza Forum or send invitations to them.) If you get an invitation from the Piazza Forum, you should accept the invitation.

In this group, you can ask course related and programming assignment related questions. Please make sure to use this Piazza Forum to clarify any questions that you may have on the assignments specifications and grading guidelines. Please refrain from posting code etc., that can lead to any sort of plagiarism. Posting more than 3 lines of code OR pseudo-code will be considered cheating!

If you post more than 3 lines of code OR pseudo-code, first offense (in the entire semester) gets a warning. Second offense, you will lose 50% of the corresponding assignment points and lose posting privileges in the class Piazza Forum for the rest of the semester.


[Last updated Sat Sep 19 2020]    [Please see copyright regarding copying.]