Discussion Sections - CSCI 402, Fall 2016, All Sections

Each discussion section is conducted by a TA. Below is a list showing which TA is responsible for which discussion section: During a discussion section, the TA will present information regrading up-coming programming assignments. If you have a particular topic that you would like the TA to discuss in class, you should send e-mail to the TA before 5PM on Thursday. The TA will try his/her best to cover such requests.

Please note that programming assignments are due on Fridays. Since you are expected to have finished the an assignment before its due date, on the due date of a programming assignment, the TA will be introducint the next programming assignment and that takes priority over the current assignment. If there is time left, the TA can discuss the current assignment.

Tentative And Final Slides
The following are tentative and final slides (in PDF format) for this semester.

Rough Schedule (subject to change without notice)

Week # Date Topics Comments
1 1/15 gdb, warmup #1  
2 1/22 C, Unix  
3 1/29 warmup #2 (warmup #1 due at end of day)
4 2/5 multithreading  
5 2/12 Unix signals  
6 2/19 intro to kernel assignments (warmup #2 due at end of day)
7 2/26 kernel #1  
8 3/4 faber_test  
9 3/11 kernel #2 (kernel #1 due at end of day)
- 3/18 (no class) spring break
10 3/25 polymorphism, reference counting  
11 4/1 vfstest, faber_fs_test  
12 4/8 kernel #3 (kernel #2 due at end of day)
13 4/15 objdump, addres space implementation  
14 4/22 do_fork, memtest, eatmem, forkbomb  
15 4/29 Q & A (kernel #3 due at end of day)

[Last updated Sat Sep 19 2020]    [Please see copyright regarding copying.]