Please download the Midterm Exam Academic Integrity Honor Code Pledge (PDF), fill it out, sign it, and save it in a PDF file (the resulting file name should be "midterm-pledge.pdf"). It's perfectly fine if you want to do your signing in an image editor or a PDF editor. If you cannot create such as PDF file, please take a photo of the signed pledge (just the part with all the text and your hand-written stuff), e-mail it to yourself, download it to your laptop (or you can just take a screenshot), resize it so that it's less than 1MB, and rename it to be "midterm-pledge.jpg" (or "midterm-pledge.png" or "midterm-pledge.pdf" is also acceptable), If this exact procedure doesn't work for you, you can create the file any way you want! I just need an image of a signed pledge in a .jpg (or .png or .pdf) file, as long as the file size is less than 1MB and the image is "readable". If you cannot get your photo into one of these formats, please let the instructor know so we can figure out what needs to be done (this is why we are doing this early). If you don't have an image editor that can resize your photo to the desired file size, please install gimp on your 32-bit Ubuntu 16.04 system and follow the instructions there to resize your photo. Then follow the submission procedure below to submit your signed pledge.

Please note that if I don't receive a signed pledge from you, you will not be permitted to take the midterm exam and you will get a score of zero for the midterm exam (unless you have opt'ed out of the midterm exam by sending an e-mail to the instructor). Also, if you want confirmation that I have received your pledge, the only way is to use the submission procedure below to receive a ticket for your submission. If you e-mail your signed pledge to me, I will not send you a confirmation and e-mail can take many days to get delivered (and there is no guarantee that an e-mail will ever get delivered).

Finally, please understand that if you have submitted a pledge, it doesn't mean that you are promising that you will take the exam! It simply means the if you take the exam, you are promising that you won't cheat! Some students would wait to submit the signed pledge because they are considering opt'ing out of the exam. There is no reason to wait to submit your signed pledge!

Please enter your USC e-mail address and your submission PIN below. This is the same PIN as your submission PIN for your programming assignments. (If you don't know your submission PIN, please visit this web site to have your PIN e-mailed to your USC e-mail address.) Then click on the Choose File button and locate and select your submission file (i.e., "midterm-pledge.jpg", "midterm-pledge.png", or "midterm-pledge.pdf"). Then click on the Upload button to submit "midterm-pledge.jpg" (or "midterm-pledge.png" or "midterm-pledge.pdf"). Be careful what you click! Do NOT submit the wrong file! If you see an error message, please read the dialogbox carefully and fix what needs to be fixed and repeat the procedure.

When this page was last loaded, the time at the submission server at was 12Mar2025-04:30:51. Reload this web page to see the current time on

USC E-mail:
Submission PIN:  
Event ID (read-only):  
Submission File Full Path:  
If everything checks out, a ticket will be issued to you to let you know "what" and "when" your submission made it to the Bistro server and the next web page you see would display such a ticket and the ticket part of the web page should look like the sample shown in the assignment submission web page (of course, the actual text would be different, but the format should be similar). Make sure you follow the Verify Your Ticket instructions to verify the SHA1 hash of your submission to make sure what you did not accidentally submit the wrong file. Also, an e-mail (showing the ticket) will be sent to your USC e-mail address. Please note that the e-mail can take days to reach you and its of secondary importance. If you want to keep a record of your submission, it's best you simply save the web page showingn the ticket as a PDF file and keep it for your records.

On the other hand, if the next web page you see after you click on the Upload button does not contain a ticket, please read the web page very carefully. Most likely, something did not go right and you need to come back to this web page and submit again. Please read the ticket carefully to know exactly "what" and "when" your submission made it to the Bistro server. If there are problems, please contact the instructor as soon as possible.

If you don't read the ticket carefully and ended up submitted a wrong file, please understand that due to our fairness policy, there's absolutely nothing we can do. You have to make sure that you see the ticekt in the next web page and look at information such as file size, file name (please ignore the directory part and only the last part of the file name matters), and the server time string and make sure that they make sense.