print $semester ?>
print $courseid ?>
Term Paper
Proposal due 11:45PM print $tp_prop_due ?>
Paper due 11:45PM print $tp_due ?>
Term Paper
For your term paper, please write a 5 page paper
(an extended abstract), on a topic of your choosing,
subject to the following constraints.
Your paper must reference 3 published peer-reviewed papers
authored (or co-authored) by one of the following authors:
These authors will be referred to as approved authors below.
In this paper, you are expected to present a coherent idea (which
does not have to be original) and support the idea with references
You can have many references, but at least three of them
must be authored or co-authored by an approved author
and be published in a peer-reviewed journal, conference, symposium,
or a workshop
([BC: Updated 4/5/2007]
books, technical reports, web articles, and whitepapers
are not peer-reviewed and, therefore, do not count here).
[BC: Updated 4/12/2007]
Magazine articles (such as those published in Communications of the ACM,
IEEE Spectrum, IEEE Computer Magazine, IEEE Security & Privacy)
also do not count.
What you should not do is to say,
"I've read the following 3 papers and here's what they said."
Please also do not count the
Cryptography book as one of the required 3 references.
Please focus of the technical aspects of security systems
as oppose to social, political, and economic aspects.
The intended audience for your paper should be someone
who has just completed CS 530.
The term paper must be 5 pages or less,
with a list of references which may extend beyond the end of the 5th page.
(Although you may have appendices beyond the 5 page limit
but you should not expect your reader to read the appendices.)
The smallest acceptable point size is 10. The formating requirement
is fairly flexible. You may format the paper in single column,
double columns, singly spaced, or doubly spaced.
Please note that the only allowed file formats are PDF,
Postscript, and HTML. Please name your submission as either
termpaper.txt, termpaper.pdf, termpaper.ps, or termpaper.html,
Citations (or references) must be done properly. Please
use the same format as the
reading list for this class
(except that you can use numbers for identifiers).
Term Paper Proposal
You are expected to submit a term paper proposal.
Please write a short paragraph or two describing the main idea
of your term paper and what references you plan to use.
You must include the required 3 references by an approved author.
Please write your proposal in ASCII text and e-mail it
to the instructor. The approval will come from the instructor.
You may submit your proposal as early as you want and
you may start working on the term paper as soon as your
proposal is approved.
Although your proposal will not be graded, you will lose 20 points
(out of 100) if you do not submit a proposal
that meets the reference requirement by the proposal
([BC: Added 4/9/2007]
Regarding the 20 points mentioned above,
if some of your references meet the requirements by the
proposal deadline, you may get partial credit. So, it's not all or nothing.)
Term Paper
(To be read after you have received feedback regarding your proposal.)
You must now write a paper on the topic you selected in your
proposal. The purpose of the term paper is for you to become
an expert on the topic you selected. The term paper should
be written so that it conveys information to the reader. When
grading the paper we will ask ourselves whether other students in
the class might learn about the topic you choose by reading your
paper. The paper should contain original (i.e., your own)
analysis of the papers
you choose to cover, and ideally suggest directions for future
research on the topic.
In writing your paper you should use the several assigned
readings from the course as a guide of what is expected of you.
You should also use the papers in the readings as a guide to
what is expected in terms of properly citing other works.
We realize that some of the students in CSci530 have not been
required to submit research papers in other classes that they
have taken. For those of you who have not written a research
paper before, we urge you to utilize the resources of the
Engineering Writing Center or the USC Writing Center.
Grading Guidelines
I will assign a letter grade to your term paper first. This
sets up a baseline score. Then I may add or subtract points
from the baseline, depending on various criteria.
Generally, the a term paper would fall into one of the following
[BC: Updated 4/24/2007]:
Grade | | Points
| Rationale
A |
| 50
| very well written and clear paper, good technical depth
A- |
| 44
| fairly well written paper, got the point through, probably
not enough technical depth
B+ |
| 36
| so-so paper, not very exciting, does not make a clear point,
looks like a laundry list or an enumeration of facts,
very little technical depth
B |
| 30
| not much to say or poorly written, doesn't look like much
time was spent on it, no technical depth
B- |
| 24
| (bad)
C+ |
| 16
| (worse)
C |
| 10
| (really bad)
The maximum score for the term paper is 50 and the minimum score is 1.
Additional Resources
The following is a list of links on security related conferences.
Just to itemize a few things that I'm looking for in your final
term paper:
- A good paper.
- Clearly written and technically sound.
- Nice presentation and critical in evaluating your idea.
- Your paper should not look like an enumeration of facts.
- Your paper should
not look like a laundry list or a table of contents for another paper!
- Your paper should not be a short version of another paper. (You
should not take another paper, keep the structure, and just shorten
the paragraphs.)
- The paper needs to "say something" or "make a point"
(have your friends read it, if they don't "get it",
you need to make your point clearer).
- Demonstration that you have read and understood your references.
- Your paper should not spent much time on topics that have been
extensively covered in the lectures.
- You must give citation properly.
- You must not
- [BC: Added 4/11/2007]
Since your intended audience is someone who has just completed CS 530,
you should not spend too much time describing materials that were
well covered in the lectures.
Since the term paper will be an extended abstract, I wouldn't
say that I expect great depth. So, you don't need to look for
something that no one understands! :-)
Important Submission Notes
The term paper must be submitted electronically.
You must follow the Electronic Submission Guidelines
when you submit your term paper. Please note that this is a
brand new procedure and is very different from procedures
you are use to.
Late submissions will receive severe penalties. Due to clock
skews, electronic submissions of projects and homeworks
assignments will be accepted within 15 minutes after the
specified deadlines without penalties. If your submission is
beyond the 15 minutes grace period, you will receive 75% of your
grade if your submission is 15 minutes late beyond the grace
period; you will receive 50% of your grade if your submission is
30 minutes late beyond the grace period; you will receive 25% of
your grade if your submission is 45 minutes late beyond the grace
period; and you will receive a score of zero otherwise.
All submissions will be timestamped by the submission server and
receipts will be issued. Whether your submission arrived to the
server by the deadline is determined by the timestamp. Please
keep your receipts.
Miscellaneous Hints
[BC: Section added 4/11/2007]
- If you don't know what to put in your paper, pretend for a moment
that you were reading your paper. What would you like to know
about the topic?
- Ask your computer science friends to read your paper and ask
for feedback. If they fall asleep, didn't find anything interesting,
or didn't understand why you would write such a paper, you probably
need to improve your paper.