Lectures -

Lecture Slides
(Please note that access to lecture notes is restricted.)
  • Lecture 1 (PDF) (6-up PDF) (Jan 15, 2008) - administrative stuff, hw1
  • Lecture 2 (PDF) (6-up PDF) (Jan 17, 2008) - hw1, introduction to security
  • Lecture 3 (PDF) (6-up PDF) (Jan 22, 2008) - introduction to security, cryptography
  • Lecture 4 (PDF) (6-up PDF) (Jan 24, 2008) - modeling strength of security protocols (lecture given by Ho Chung)
  • Lecture 5 (PDF) (6-up PDF) (Jan 29, 2008) - cryptography (permutation and substitution ciphers, stream ciphers)
  • Lecture 6 (PDF) (6-up PDF) (Jan 31, 2008) - hw2, cryptography (block ciphers)
  • Lecture 7 (PDF) (6-up PDF) (Feb 5, 2008) - cryptography (cryptanalysis, attacks, DES)
  • (Feb 7, 2008) - class canceled, instructor is out sick
  • Lecture 8 (PDF) (6-up PDF) (Feb 12, 2008) - cryptography (DES)
  • Lecture 9 (PDF) (6-up PDF) (Feb 14, 2008) - cryptography (AES), public-key cryptography (RSA)
  • Lecture 10 (PDF) (6-up PDF) (Feb 19, 2008) - public-key cryptography (other), digital signatures
  • Lecture 11 (PDF) (6-up PDF) (Feb 21, 2008) - cryptographic hash functions
  • Lecture 12 (PDF) (6-up PDF) (Feb 26, 2008) - hw3, one-time digital signatures, basic cryptographic protocols (key exchange)
  • Lecture 13 (PDF) (6-up PDF) (Feb 28, 2008) - basic cryptographic protocols (key exchange, authentication, multiple-key public-key cryptography, secret splitting, secret sharing)
  • Lecture 14 (PDF) (6-up PDF) (Mar 4, 2008) - extended Euclidean algorithm, intermediate cryptographic protocols (bit commitment)
  • (Mar 6, 2008) - midterm exam
  • Lecture 15 (PDF) (6-up PDF) (Mar 11, 2008) - intermediate cryptographic protocols (bit commitment, fair coin flips, timestamping)
  • Lecture 16 (Mar 13, 2008) - hw4
  • (Mar 18, 2008) - spring break
  • (Mar 20, 2008) - spring break
  • Lecture 17 (PDF) (6-up PDF) (Mar 25, 2008) - intermediate cryptographic protocols (subliminal channel, ElGamal signature, undeniable signature)
  • Lecture 18 (PDF) (6-up PDF) (Mar 27, 2008) - intermediate cryptographic protocols (designated confirmer signatures, proxy signatures, fail-stop digital signatures, group signatures, computing with encrypted data, one-way accumulators, key escrow)
  • Lecture 19 (PDF) (6-up PDF) (Apr 1, 2008) - intermediate cryptographic protocols (key escrow), advanced cryptographic protocols (zero knowledge proofs, blind signatures, ID-based PKC, oblivious transfer, simultaneous contract signing)
  • Lecture 20 (PDF) (6-up PDF) (Apr 3, 2008) - advanced cryptographic protocols (simultaneous contract signing), esoteric cryptographic protocols (secure multi-party computation, secure election, digital cash)
  • Lecture 21 (PDF) (6-up PDF) (Apr 8, 2008) - esoteric cryptographic protocols (digital cash, anonymous message broadcast), key management
  • Lecture 22 (PDF) (6-up PDF) (Apr 10, 2008) - key management
  • Lecture 23 (PDF) (6-up PDF) (Apr 15, 2008) - key management issues
  • Lecture 24 (PDF) (6-up PDF) (Apr 17, 2008) - key management issues, group key management
  • Lecture 25 (PDF) (6-up PDF) (Apr 22, 2008) - group key management, authentication
  • Lecture 26 (PDF) (6-up PDF) (Apr 24, 2008) - authentication, authentication in applications
  • Lecture 27 (PDF) (6-up PDF) (Apr 29, 2008) - authentication in applications, authorization
  • Lecture 28 (PDF) (6-up PDF) (May 1, 2008) - authorization, policy, intrusion detection, wireless


  • (May 8, 2008) - final exam (firm)
Tentative Slides
The following are tentative slides (in PDF format) for this semester. They are subject to change without notice.
  • Administrative

  • Assignments-related

  • Introduction

  • Cryptography
    • secret-key cryptography (steganography, transposition and substitution ciphers, stream ciphers, one-time pad, block ciphers, DES, AES) (PDF) (6-up PDF)
    • public-key cryptography (RSA, extended Euclidean algorithm, Diffie-Hellman, ElGamal) (PDF) (6-up PDF)
    • digital signatures and cryptographic hash functions (PDF) (6-up PDF)

  • Cryptographic Protocols
    • basic cryptographic protocols (key exchange, authentication, multiple-key public-key cryptography, secret splitting, secret sharing) (PDF) (6-up PDF)
    • intermediate cryptographic protocols (bit commitment, fair coin flips, timestamping, subliminal channel, ElGamal signature, undeniable signature and other digital signature schemes, computing with encrypted data, one-way accumulators, key escrow) (PDF) (6-up PDF)
    • advanced cryptographic protocols (zero knowledge proofs, blind signatures, ID-based PKC, oblivious transfer, simultaneous contract signing) (PDF) (6-up PDF)
    • esoteric cryptographic protocols (secure multi-party computation, secure election, digital cash, anonymous message broadcast) (PDF) (6-up PDF)

  • Key Management

  • Authentication

  • Authorization

  • Intrusion Detection

  • Wireless

  • Privacy

  • Special Topics

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