One of the four units assigned to this course is for a hands
on laboratory component designed to give students a practical
understanding of many of the security technologies that we
discuss in the course:
- Each lab exercise will have a one hour overview, held in
RTH 105 on Friday, 4:00pm - 4:50pm.
This session explains the following week's lab exercise.
- For students enrolled in 530 this semester, the overview
may be viewed at other times through the DEN webcast.
- For those who took 530 in a previous semester, we apologized,
but DEN access is not provided, but you may attend the
session in person. All information from the overview will
also be posted on the laboratory web pages.
- The hands on component of the lab will be provided in several
1.5 hours sections offered in OHE 406.
Please see the
community lab page
for information
regarding time slots and how to reserve a time slot for yourself.
- Additional information for each weeks lab may be found on the
Lab web page.
There will be 10 lab exercises and each lab is worth one
point (i.e., pass or no pass). You must complete at least
8 out of the 10 lab exercises in order to receive
any credit for the lab. Therefore, the only possible
total scores for the lab are 0, 8, 9, and 10 points.