Notes on Citations - CSCI 558L, Fall 2010

Citation is a serious business! You must do it right! You must use full citation for all the references in all your write-ups. Below are the requirements (and in the order of appearance in a reference).
You must include the names of authors in the order they appear in the paper. You must not use something like "first author, et al". You can replace first name and middle name by initials, but you must not ommit them if they appeared in the paper.

Paper Title
You must include the full title of the paper. If the title has multiple parts, you must include all parts.

Where Published
You must name the journal, conference, workshop, or symposium where the paper was published. For a conference, workshop, or symposium paper, you should say, "In proceedings of ...". For a journal paper or a book, you should say, "In ...". If it's a tech report, you should provide the tech report number and the department name and the university/research institution name.

If it's a conference, workshop, or symposium paper, you should include the location where the conference, workshop, or symposium was held, if available.

If it's a book, you must include the name of the publisher.

You must include the year. If you have month information, you should include it.

For other types of publications (such as web publications or white papers of organizations/companies), you should try your best to provide the above information. If some are not applicable or available, you may skip them. If some additional information is crucial for locating the document, please add them.

There are plenty of good examples from the journal and conference papers you are reading or citing. But in case you are not sure about something, please send an e-mail to the TA or the instructor.


[Last updated Sat Sep 19 2020]    [Please see copyright regarding copying.]