Google Group - CSCI 558L, Fall 2010

Google Group
We will use a Google Group for class related communications. The Google Group is basically used as a mailing list. This is not the same list as the class mailinglist. You are required to join the class mailinglist and the instructor will automatically you enroll you in the Google Group. (Every night, the instructor will check if there are new students registered for the class mailinglist and he will add new students to the Google Group.) After this is done, you will get copies of e-mails sent to the Google Group and you can send e-mail to the Google Group using your USC e-mail address.

If you want to use your gmail address for the Google Group, then you should first sign into Google and then visit our Google Group web site and click on Apply for Membership. Since your gmail address may not tell the instructor who you really are, you should provide your USC login ID (your account name on or your USC e-mail address in the "additional information" area so that we can know who you are. If you go this route, you have to wait for the instructor to approve your request before you can get into the Google Group. If you do not provide any USC-specific information in the "additional information" area, your request will be denied.

If you want to use your USC e-mail address for the Google Group, you should first visit our Google Group web site and click on Sign in in the right top corner. On the next screen, click on the big Create an account button then enter your USC e-mail address as your current e-mail address. Then follow the instructions there to finish creating your account.

In this group, you can ask course related and homework related general questions. Please make sure to this Google Group to clarify any questions that you may have on the assignments specifications and grading guidelines. Please refrain from posting code etc., that can lead to any sort of plagiarism. Posting more than 4 lines of code will be considered cheating!


[Last updated Sat Sep 19 2020]    [Please see copyright regarding copying.]