Lecture Slides
(Please note that access to lecture notes is restricted.)
- Lecture 3 (Jan 25, 2007)
- Networking background for lab exercises
(6-up PDF)
- Instructor
- Lottery for presentation slots, lottery for exercise 2 and
exercise 3 slots
(This syllabus is subject to change. Please visit this page frequently
to determine revisions.)
- (Jan 22, 2007) - Lab exercise 1 starts.
- (Jan 26, 2007) - Last day to register or drop the class.
- (Jan 31, 2007) - Presentation topic selection is due.
- Lecture 5 (Feb 8, 2007)
- Hemali Sutaria <hsutaria@usc.edu>
- Time Synchronization for Wireless Sensor Networks
- Sandeep Raju <sandeepr@usc.edu>
- Intra-domain routing in IP networks using OSPFv2
- (Feb 12, 2007) - Lab exercise 1 due.
- (Feb 13, 2007) - Lab exercise 2 starts.
- Lecture 6 (Feb 15, 2007)
- Vishwas Shetiya <shetiya@usc.edu>
- Akamai's Content Distribution Network and
Configuration Management Systems
- Chaitanya Agarwal <cagarwal@usc.edu>
- QoSMIC: QoS-Aware Multicast Routing
- Lecture 7 (Feb 22, 2007)
- Herman Leong <hleong@usc.edu>
- Hotswapping Linux Kernel Modules
- Abhinav Murari <amurari@usc.edu>
- (Feb 27, 2007) - Lab exercise 2 due.
- (Feb 28, 2007) - Lab exercise 3 starts.
- Lecture 8 (Mar 1, 2007)
- Linus Aranha <aranha@usc.edu>
- Pritam Pradhan <ppradhan@usc.edu>
- IEEE 802.15.4/Zigbee
- (Mar 8, 2007) - Project selection due.
- Lecture 9 (Mar 8, 2007)
- Nirav Barodia <barodia@usc.edu>
- Underwater Acoustic Networks
- Chandrasekar Sivaraman <csivaram@usc.edu>
- Single Packet IP Traceback
- Santhosh Meleppuram <meleppur@usc.edu>
- (Mar 16, 2007) - Spring break.
- Lecture 10 (Mar 22, 2007)
- Pranav Doshi <pranavdo@usc.edu>
- Routing In Wireless Sensor Networks
- Nycil Augustine <naugusti@usc.edu>
- (Mar 28, 2007) - Lab exercise 3 due.
- Lecture 11 (Mar 29, 2007)
- Sujay Datar <sdatar@usc.edu>
- Bluetooth Worms: Models, Dynamics, and Defense Implications
- Himani Navare <navare@usc.edu>
- Shalaka Kulkarni <shalakak@usc.edu>
- Improving BitTorrent performance
- (Apr 2, 2007) - Project design document due.
- Lecture 12 (Apr 5, 2007)
- Kirti Patil <kirtipat@usc.edu>
- WLAN Security and 802.11i
- Suhasini Tiwari <stiwari@usc.edu>
- SIP based MobileIPv6 Mobile Ad Hoc Networks
- Lecture 13 (Apr 12, 2007)
- Muhammad Razzaque <razzaque@usc.edu>
- Source-End DDoS Defense
- Lecture 14 (Apr 19, 2007)
- Chanon Mingsuwan <mingsuwa@usc.edu>
- BitTorrent Assisted Streaming System for Video-on-Demand
- Rezwana Silvi <silvi@usc.edu>
- Data Mining-based Intrusion Detectors
- Prashanth Ramaiah <ramaiah@usc.edu>
- Security Mechanisms and Key Management for IPsec
- (Apr 26-27, 2007) - Project demo.
- (May 3, 2007) - Project report due.
Tentative Slides