[BC: paragraph added 1/26/2009]
Please note that this class mainly meets on Wednesdays in
KAP 166 (please check the schedule below
regarding class meetings on Mondays, subject to change without
notice). On Mondays, when there are not class meetings,
students are suppose to be meeting with the instructor
individually in SAL 228 to discuss their class presentations
and projects.
Lecture Slides
(Please note that access to lecture notes is restricted.)
- Lecture 1
(6-up PDF)
(Jan 12, 2009) - class introduction
- Lecture 2
(6-up PDF)
(Jan 21, 2009) - networking background for lab exercises.
- Lecture 3
(Jan 28, 2009)
- Cisco routers, Zebra toolkit and lab instructions
(lecture given by Leslie Cheung)
- Lecture 4
(6-up PDF)
(Feb 4, 2009) - more on class project (worm finger printing,
DHCP client, SA/XSA strengthening in OpenSSL, Bistro client
in Firefox), patching source code
- Lecture 5
(6-up PDF)
(Feb 11, 2009) - Scalable upload (Bistro)
- Lecture 1 (Jan 12, 2009) - Class introduction.
- Lecture 2 (Jan 21, 2009) - Networking background for lab exercises.
- Lecture 3 (Jan 28, 2009) - Cisco routers, Zebra toolkit and
lab instructions.
- (Jan 30, 2009) - Last day to register or drop the class.
- (Jan 31, 2009) - Lab exercise 1 starts.
- Lecture 4 (Feb 4, 2009) - More on class project
(worm finger printing, DHCP client, SA/XSA strengthening in OpenSSL,
Bistro client in Firefox), plus patching source code.
- (Feb 4, 2009) - Presentation topic selection is due.
Please remember that your primary reference must be approved by
the instructor at least one week before your talk.
- Lecture 5 (Feb 11, 2009) - Scalable upload (Bistro)
- Lecture 6 (Feb 18, 2009) - Students presentations starts.
- Akshat Gupta <akshatgu@usc.edu>
- Speculative Execution in Distributed System
- Srishti Gupta <srishtig@usc.edu>
- Research and Analysis on Routing Protocols for Wireless Sensor
- (Feb 21, 2009) - Lab exercise 1 due.
- (Feb 22, 2009) - Lab exercise 2 starts.
- Lecture 7 (Feb 25, 2009) - Students presentations.
- Jaspreet Singh <jasprees@usc.edu>
- Security Protocols for Use with Wireless Sensor Networks:
A Survey of Security Architectures or
A Dynamic Operating System for Sensor Nodes
- Sai Krishna Sajja <sajja@usc.edu>
- Trail Blazer - A Routing Algorithm Inspired by Ants
- Lecture 8 (Mar 4, 2009) - Students presentations.
- Ashwin Narasimhamurthy <ashwinna@usc.edu>
- Evolution and Future Directions of the Ad Hoc On-demand Distance
Vector Routing Protocol
- Gobikrishna Dhanuskodi <dhanusko@usc.edu>
- Self Stabilized Distributed Algorithms
- (Mar 8, 2009) - Lab exercise 2 due.
- (Mar 9, 2009) - Lab exercise 3 starts.
- (Mar 11, 2009) - Project selection due.
- Lecture 9 (Mar 11, 2009) - Students presentations.
- Midhun Achuthan <achuthan@usc.edu>
- Ivy - A Multi-user Read/write Peer-to-peer File System
- Shen Zhang <shenzhan@usc.edu>
- A Proactive Way to Defense DDoS
- (Mar 16-20, 2009) - Spring break.
- Lecture 10 (Monday, Mar 23, 2009) - Students presentations.
- Sahil Budhiraj <budhiraj@usc.edu>
- Security Issues in Peer to Peer Systems
- Lecture 11 (Mar 25, 2009) - Students presentations.
- Chinmay Naik <cnaik@usc.edu>
- Rumor Routing Algorithm for Wireless Sensor Networks
- Appu Goundan <goundan@usc.edu>
- Routing in Delay/Disruption Tolerant Networks
- (Mar 30, 2009) - Project design document due.
- Lecture 12 (Monday, Mar 30, 2009) - Students presentations.
- Nakul Desai <nakulade@usc.edu>
- Modelling and Performance Analysis of Bit-torrent Like
P2P Networks
- Chokshi Saurabh <schokshi@usc.edu>
- Adaptive Load Distribution Algorithms for Heterogeneous
Distributed Systems with Multiple Task Classes
- Lecture 13 (Apr 1, 2009) - Students presentations.
- Bhumij Trivedi <btrivedi@usc.edu>
- An Effective Defense against Distributed Denial of Service in
- Sanjay Srinivasan <sanjaysr@usc.edu>
- Shared Disk File System for Linux
- (Apr 6, 2009) - Lab exercise 3 due.
- Lecture 14 (Apr 8, 2009) - Students presentations.
- Jayakumar Pangalur <pangalur@usc.edu>
- Routing Stability in Congested Networks
- (Apr 15, 2009) - no class.
- Lecture 15 (Apr 22, 2009) - Students presentations.
- Dhaval Badiani <dbadiani@usc.edu>
- Analysis of the Skype Peer-to-Peer Internet Telephony
- Venkata Surya Teja Batchu <batchu@usc.edu>
- Internet Cache Pollution Attacks and Countermeasures
- Lecture 16 (Apr 29, 2009) - Students presentations.
- Sundeep Mallela <mallela@usc.edu>
- Design and Analysis of Secure Border Gateway Protocol (S-BGP)
- Hari Kumar Rongali <rongali@usc.edu>
- Improved BGP Convergence via Ghost Flushing
- (May 6-7, 2009) - Project demo.
- (May 9, 2009) - Project report due.
Tentative Slides
- Class introduction
(6-up PDF)
- Networking background for lab exercises
(6-up PDF)
- Cisco routers, Zebra toolkit and lab instructions
- More on class project (worm finger printing, DHCP client,
SA/XSA strengthening in OpenSSL, Bistro client in Firefox),
plus patching source code.
(6-up PDF)
- Scalable upload (Bistro)
(6-up PDF)
Calendar At A Glance
A link to the
USC Spring 2009 academic calendar
is provided here for your convenience.