Individual Listing


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Maria Benavent Perez

Other Information:

BA in Library and Information Science at Universitat de Valencia 
(2004) and at Universidad de Granada (2007). Master in 'Scientific 
Information: Management, Access and Evaluation' at Universidad de 
Granada (2008).

She was awarded with the prize to the best bachelor degree in 
Information Science (Premio Nacional de Fin de Carrera) by the Spanish 
Ministry of Education, Social Policy and Sport.

She received a grant from the Universidad de Granada to collaborate in 
the Department of Library and Information Science of Universidad de 
Granada in her last postgraduate course (2006-2007). In 2007, she was 
awarded a scholarship to research in SCImago Research Group.

In November of 2008, she obtained a FPU (University professor-training) 
grant by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation; she is part of 
the SCImago Research Group. She has collaborated in projects like 
'SCImago Journal & Country Rank-SJR' (result of a research agreement 
with Elsevier).

She is currently involved in her PhD in representation and visualization 
of scientific information, with major in the development of 
scientometric tools to analyze the scientific collaboration.

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