Individual Listing


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Alexandru Iosup

Other Information:

Alexandru Iosup is a computer scientist focusing on computer systems, performance engineering, and performance measurement. He is University Research Chair and tenured Full Professor at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, and Associate Professor at the Delft University of Technology, the Netherlands. He has received Veni (2011) and Vidi (2016) research grants to study cloud computing and its application to big data processing. His work in research, education, and community has received numerous awards, including the Nederlandse ICT-Onderzoeksprijs (2016), Netherlands Teacher of the Year (2015), and several SPEC SPECtacular community-awards (last in 2017). He is a member of the Young Academy of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences, where he hopes to further public and political interest in massivizing distributed computing systems and in massivizing higher education. In his spare time, he has a small contribution to training legal refugees in the Netherlands. You can contact Alexandru by email [ ], in his office (check ), or via Twitter [ @AIosup ].

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