Triangle Class Reference

#include <triangle.h>

Inheritance diagram for Triangle:

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 Triangle (int b, int h, int x, int y)
 Triangle (int b, int h, Point c)
virtual std::string getType () const
virtual double getArea () const

Detailed Description

A class that represents a triangle on a 2D plane. Its only members are its base and height. It inherits all of its functionality from the Shape class.

Brent Nash

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

Triangle::Triangle ( int  b,
int  h,
int  x,
int  y 

Overloaded constructor that takes in a base, a height and an (x,y) coordinate.

b The base of the triangle (must be greater than 0)
h The height of the triangle (must be greater than 0)
x The X coordinate of the triangle's center point in 2D space
y The Y coordinate of the triangle's center point in 2D space
Triangle::Triangle ( int  b,
int  h,
Point  c 

Overloaded constructor that takes in a base, a height, and a center Point.

b The base of the triangle (must be greater than 0)
h The height of the triangle (must be greater than 0)
c The center point of the triangle in 2D space

Member Function Documentation

double Triangle::getArea (  )  const [virtual]

Virtual function overridden from Shape. Returns the area of the triangle as (1/2)*base*height.

The base and height must be set to valid numbers.
Does not change the object
The area of the circle as a floating point number.

Implements Shape.

string Triangle::getType (  )  const [virtual]

Virtual function overridden from Shape. Returns a string indicating what type of shape this object is.

Does not change the object
The string "Triangle"

Implements Shape.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:
 All Classes Functions Variables Friends

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