Discussion sections are held:
  • Fri 11:00am - 11:50am, in THH 202
and it's conducted by the TA, Bowen Song <bowenson@usc.edu>. The live and in-person discussion sections will not have a live Zoom feed and will not be recorded. If you cannot come to a live and in-person discussion section, please view the corresponding lab video from a previous semester.

The purpose of the discussion section is to answer your questions and have discussions about the lab assignment of the week. So, you are expected to have read the spec and have started working on the lab already. During a discussion section, the TA will give a review of the lab spec (assuming that you are familiar with the lab spec) and will answer your questions about the lab that's due on the coming Tuesday. If you have a particular topic that you would like the TA to discuss during a discussion section, please send an email to the TA before 6PM on Thursday to make a request. The TA will try his best to cover such a request.

Below is the tentative quiz schedule for this semester.
Week # Quiz #    Dates    Coverage
1 Quiz 0 1/12 Lectures 1/2, Lab 1
2 Quiz 1 1/19 Lecture 3, Lab 2
3 - 1/26 no quiz
4 Quiz 2 2/2 Lectures 4/5/6/7, Labs 3/4
5 Quiz 3 2/9 Lectures 8/9, Lab 5
6 - 2/16 no quiz
7 Quiz 4 2/23 Lectures 10/11/12, Labs 6/7
8 - 3/1 no quiz (midterm on 2/28)
9 - 3/8 no quiz
- - 3/15 no quiz (spring recess)
10 Quiz 5 3/22 Lectures 13/14/15, Labs 9/10
11 Quiz 6 3/29 Lectures 16/1718/19, Lab 11
12 - 4/5 no quiz
13 Quiz 7 4/12 Lectures 20/21/22/23, Labs 12/13
14 - 4/19 no quiz
15 - 4/26 no quiz