Notes on OpenSSL -
OpenSSL on nunki.usc.edu
To access the openssl library in your programming
environment on nunki.usc.edu, please note the following:
- Add
the /home/scf-22/csci551b/openssl/bin directory to your path
(environment variable PATH):
- If your shell is csh, you can do:
set path=(/home/scf-22/csci551b/openssl/bin $path)
- If your shell is bash, you can do:
export PATH=/home/scf-22/csci551b/openssl/bin:$PATH
- Add
the /home/scf-22/csci551b/openssl/lib directory to your
LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable:
- If your shell is csh, you can do:
- If your shell is bash, you can do:
- Add
the /home/scf-22/csci551b/openssl/ssl/man directory to your
MANPATH environment variable:
- If your shell is csh, you can do:
setenv MANPATH
- If your shell is bash, you can do:
- Add
the following commandline option during compiling:
In each source file that needs a header file, for example,
"something.h" from openssl, you can add:
#include <openssl/something.h>
The "openssl/something.h" file is then expected to be in the
/home/scf-22/csci551b/openssl/include directory.
- Add
the following commandline option during linking to link with the
openssl library
(after all the .o files):
-L/home/scf-22/csci551b/openssl/lib -lcrypto -lsocket
The "libcrypto.a" file is then expected to be in the
/home/scf-22/csci551b/openssl/lib directory.
If you have configured everything correctly, when you run
"openssl version" from the commandline, you should see:
OpenSSL 0.9.8a 11 Oct 2005
This is the version of openssl installed
in /home/scf-22/csci551b/openssl.
Please do not use openssl anywhere in
/usr/lsd/openssl because ISD may change the content
of its subdirectories in the middle of the semester.
Setup Environment During Login
If your shell is csh/tcsh, you can copy the lines
for path, LD_LIBRARY_PATH, and
MANPATH into your ~/.login file.
(Please do not put them in your ~/.cshrc file.)
If your shell is bash, you can copy the lines
for path, LD_LIBRARY_PATH, and
MANPATH into your ~/.bash_profile file.