This semester, since we have 220 minutes of lecture time per week, we will not have dicussion sections (even though the schedule classes says that discussion time is "TBA"). In previous semesters, we use discussion sections to give you information about up-coming programming assignments. For this semester, we still be giving you the same information in lecture videos, although we will call them "discussion section videos" to emphasize that the information given was identical to what's given in discussion sections in previous semesters.

Please note that programming assignments are due on Fridays. Since you are expected to have finished the an assignment before its due date, on the due date of a programming assignment, the TA will be focusing on the next programming assignment and that takes priority over the current assignment. If there is time left, the TA can discuss the current assignment.

To download all the PDF and text files below in one command, do the following inside a terminal in Ubuntu 16.04:

    wget -r -l 1 --user=USERID --password=PASSWORD
where USERID and PASSWORD are the user ID and password used to access protected content from our class web site. But please note that the slides can change at any time without notice. Therefore, it's a good idea to re-run the above command often to synchroniza your copy with the server!

The following are tentative discussion section slides (in PDF and TXT formats) for this semester.

Please note that the source code below is for the purpose of discussions and may not be identical to the code in your assignments. It would be a really bad idea (because you can lose a lot of points) to replace the code in your assignments with the code here! So, please do not replace the code in your assignments with the code here.